Saturday, April 3, 2010


One Day Wake Up Call! Pick your day! Wake up call to think about the seriousness of diabetes and its complications. Chew on this: *24 Million Americans have diabetes * 1/4 of these people do not know they have it * 1 in 5 people are at risk for type 2 diabetes * For many, diagnosis comes 7 to 10 years after the onset of the disease. Early diagnosis is critical to successful treatment and delaying or preventing some of its complications such as: *heart disease * blindness * kidney disease *stroke *amputation * death. Type 2 diabetes and diabetes complications can sometimes be prevented through healthy lifestyle habits. Whether you have diabetes or not, here are 19 tips to healthy living. * Take a 1/2 hour walk * Know the risk factors for type 2 diabetes * Check out MyFoodAdvisor for a new recipe for dinner * Sit still for 10 minutes and make yourself relax * Attend Alert Day on Facebook * Drink another glass of water a day * Get a pedometer to see the number of steps your take a day * Post an Alert Day flier in your office * Rid a bike and raise money for a diabetes cure at the same time * Schedule a dentist appointment * Get a good night's sleep * Rate your plate. What do your portions look like? * Get up from your chair and stretch for 5 minutes * Take the stairs * Take a stand Become a Diabetes Advocate * Sneak an extra serving for fruits or vegetables into one meal a day * Encourage students to live healthy and build a sense of community * Say goodbye to the salt shaker * Encourage friends and family to take the Diabetes Risk Test

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