Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Do your feet sweat or have foot fungus?

Are you tired of embarrassing foot order?  Do you have athlete's foot, toenail fungus or are you diabetic?  Have you tried sprays and foot powder and not happy with the results you get when you use them?  There is now a safe and effective product on the market that kills up to 99.9% of the bacteria and fungi living in your shoes.
If you like high tech gadgets like me, you won't be able to resist getting your hands on this latest product.  The SteriShoe Ultraviolet Shoe Sanitizer is the first product that safely and effectively sanitizes the inside of your shoes by using a germicidal ultraviolet (UVC) light.  
UVC has been used as a germicide for decades in hospitals and water treatment systems, and is clinically proven to destroy microorganisms.  Plus, UVC sanitization is more environmentally friendly than chemicals.  Chemical sprays and powders fill your shoe cushioning and there is no way to wash them out. 
SteriShoe Ultraviolet Shoe Sanitizer
You may ask yourself, do I really need this?  When you think of the health of your foot the answer is easily yes.  You may take care of your feet, but do you really take care of your shoes?  Did you know each foot has more than 250,000 sweat glands and can produce up to 8 ounces of sweat each day?  That sweat soaks into your socks and shoes which in turn produces a breeding ground for the fungus and bacteria that causes toenail fungus, athlete's foot and order.
Also, people who suffer from these ailments are likely to re-infect themselves when they wear their shoes.  It doesn't matter if you are taking prescription medicine to treat athlete's foot or a toenail fungus if you are putting your feet back into a shoe that has never been sanitized.  You would never reuse a dirty bandage to cover up a wound, why put your feet in a dirty shoe when it's undergoing treatment?
Because you have diabetes, the American Diabetes Association and the American Podiatric Medical Association urge you to be proactive in the health of your feet.  Diabetes causes poor circulation which can lead to a loss of sensation.  When you cannot feel pain, an untreated blister or sore can develop into a foot ulcer.  When left untreated, the ulcer can lead to an amputation.  Using the SteriShoe ultraviolet shoe sanitizer is another preventative measure to keep your feet healthy.
To learn more about diabetic foot care or schedule an appointment, call Dr. Vail at 419-423-1888 or visit our website at www.vailfoot.com.

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