Saturday, April 3, 2010


Prices for food staples such as wheat, eggs, milk and rice have increased substantially in the last year, leaving many to wonder how to afford ably plant their next shopping trip. If you of a loved one has diabetes, you know the importance of stocking a well - balanced pantry and eating healthy foods to maintain good diabetes control. So how do you plan healthy menus for you and your family without breaking the ban? It is a common misconception that a healthy diabetes meal plan must be costly and consist of high priced foods. Tips to save money and help cost-conscious consumers at the grocery store: * Boneless cuts of meat are often better bus, since you are not paying for the weight of the bone. think of cost per edible serving rather than cost per pound. A turkey has 46% edible meat per pound, while chicken has 41%. * There is not nurtitional difference between brown and white eggs. Choose white eggs since they cost less. * Vegetables frozen in butter sauce cost twice as much as plain frozen vegetables, and they have more calories. * Instead of buying small container of yogurt, buy a quart and separate it into 1 cup servings yourself. * Avoid individually packaged snacks. Reap significant savings with a do it yourself approach. * Price Fruits with an eye on the cost per edible serving. If you are paying by the pound you will be paying for the inedible seeds and rinds. * If fresh fruit is too expensive, buy frozen or canned fruit packed in water. If you buy fruit canned in syrup, rinse it before eating. * Use nonfat dry mile for drinking, cooking, and baking. It is inexpensive and has a long shelf like. * Make you own cooking spry by putting vegetable oil in a spray bottle. * Cook you own hot cereal to save money. Regular or quick-cooking oats are much less expensive than instant oats. * Dry beans triple in volume when they are soaked and cooks. A 1-pound back will make six 1 cup servings. *When buying fresh greens by weight, be sure to shake off the excess water before you put them in your cart. It is amazing how much water can be hidden in between the leaves. * The costs of special "dietetic or diabetic" foods are high and not necessary.

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